Vaccine Pop-Up 5/10: Get a free beer with your COVID Vaccine!

Vaccine Pop-Up 5/10: Get a free beer with your COVID Vaccine!

Do you need a COVID shot? Want a free beer with your COVID shot? Lake Monster Brewing and St. Paul Corner Drug are teaming up to run a vaccine event next Monday May 10. Come one, come all, no insurance needed, free of charge and to thank you for doing your part to help bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end you’ll get a beer on the house. You can sign up here or just walk up and get your shot.


Now in Cans: Notorious RBG IPA!

Now in Cans: Notorious RBG IPA!

Brewed in honor of the late Justice, this Juicy IPA is all about the hops. We added a liberal dose of Rakau, Bravo and Galaxy hops to give Notorious RBG IPA huge stone-fruit and citrus flavors.

Winterizing Lake Monster

Winterizing Lake Monster

We are getting ready for a unique winter with Hot Apple Cider Ale, Patio heaters and indoor air filtration upgrades.